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Overtake Of The Month

Overtake of the Month

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The fans have spoken, and the Overtake of the Month for [Month] is... [Winner]! This incredible move saw [Winner] overtake [Loser] around the outside of [Corner] on Lap [Lap]. It was a stunning display of skill and bravery, and it's no wonder that the fans voted it as the best overtake of the month.

But don't just take our word for it. Here's what some of the fans had to say about the overtake:

"This was the best overtake I've seen all season. [Winner] showed incredible skill and bravery to make the move stick." - [Fan 1]

"I can't believe [Winner] managed to pull that off. It was an amazing move." - [Fan 2]

"This overtake is a reminder of why I love Formula 1. It was pure excitement from start to finish." - [Fan 3]

If you haven't already seen the overtake, be sure to check it out on the F1 website. And don't forget to vote for your favorite overtake of the month next time!.

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